,pub-1990720073119592, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Fix Screen and Firmware: Why Programming TV Mainboard

Friday, December 24, 2021

Why Programming TV Mainboard

Question Why you need to programming the TV Mainboard? 

Answer: Just Because the TV is can’t start-up problem, so I want to try programming the Mainboard and solve the 

problem. Or I want to copy their firmware to prepare future use. These two 

answer is most of the TV repairer gave. 

Q1: How to Programming the TV Main Board? 

A1: Normally the Programmer when using the ISP (Online programming), it will go to detect their Flash memory. The flash memory is mean of the external 

25 series Flash memory IC on Mainboard. So the Programmer software will 

shows like 25 xxx detected and prepare to Read or Write command. 

Actually we can remove the 25 Series Flash Memory directly from Mainboard 

and to do the Offline Programming to Read (Copy) their firmware/data from the 

25 series Flash Memory IC. And then save the firmware into the computer/laptop prepare for future use. 

Q1: How to Copy the Firmware from Main Board? 

A1: Like a said on the above, you can remove the 25 series Flash Memory IC 

from Mainboard and to do the Offline Programming. After click on the 

Programmer Software button “Read” (Copy) the firmware from 25 series Flash 

Memory IC, and then save it into the computer/laptop. 

 Also don’t forget their NAND Flash IC. It also can cause the TV can’t start-up. 

If you want to programming the NAND Flash memory IC, please do carefully, 

because some of the NAND Flash IC need to programming their MBOOT or 

BootLoader first, after that is the main firmware for that NAND Flash Memory 

IC. Also for programming the NAND Flash, you need choose a Pro Programmer like RT809H to support this type of memory IC. 

When we change a new Universal TV Mainboard to a TV, we need to change 

the firmware to suitable of the TV Panel Resolution and model. If not, the TV will no display, fizzy color and display & etc occur. 

So the Universal TV Mainboard has their own firmware list to suitable different 

Panel. If you buy a new Universal TV Mainboard, make sure to tell the seller 

your TV panel part number. After the correct version and panel types firmware 

is ready, just copy that file into the USB Pendrive USB Flash Drive and follow the instruction to update the firmware to the latest one to suitable the TV Panel. 

Some of the Universal Mainboard is built-in the different Panel type firmware. 

Just follow some instruction to change the Panel type without using 

Programmer or USB update. 

Before to programming the firmware, make sure these firmwares you get are 

same as your TV: 

1) TV Model 

2) Mainboard Part number (Important) 

3) Panel Part Number (Important) 

* For example: If the firmware same

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 Mainboard Part number but not same the Panel Part number. If that Panel part number also show the same inches Panel, 

then you should give it a try. Make sure that you backup you old/original firmware first! 

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