,pub-1990720073119592, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Fix Screen and Firmware: Hass Board 35022740
Showing posts with label Hass Board 35022740. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hass Board 35022740. Show all posts

Sunday, December 10, 2023

HK65US5520 Firmware

Hass Model No HK65US5520

Hass Board 35022740 Original Firmware is Available 

Redeem Your Bonus Points of Downloading 

Problem Solution
1: Logo Stuck at Main Screen
2: Main Screen Stuck Problem
3: TV Set Restart When Stuck 
4:Remote Control Works Very Slowly
5: WiFi Not Connecting

International Price is 20 USD 

Indian Price 2000 INR
Pakistan Price 4000 PKR