,pub-1990720073119592, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Fix Screen and Firmware: JUC7.820.00236289
Showing posts with label JUC7.820.00236289. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JUC7.820.00236289. Show all posts

Sunday, August 27, 2023

JUC7.820.00236289 Firmware

 JUC7.820.00236289  HLS91FJ Motherboard Firmware 


LED TV Firmware

Problem Solution: LED TV Stuck On Main Logo

LED TV Freez and Stuck Not Coming on main Window

Remote Control Stop Working

Restart LED TV During Working 

For this kind of problems you need to install Fresh Firmware

Firmware Available it's cost 15 USD 

In Pakistani Currency it's Cost 4500


Imran Ashraf
